These two prepositions are the most used ones in Spanish. This lesson is about different and popular use cases that they have.
The a preposition has two main meanings.
A. Action towards a person
Use a when an action is directed towards somebody, but not something.
Escucho música – I listen to music
Escucho a mi papá – I listen to my dad
Pido la cuenta al camarero – I ask the waiter for the check
Compramos regalos a los niños – We buy presents to the kids
The a preposition is used when no other preposition is needed.
There are some verbs that require a particular preposition, different from a.
Hablo con el profesor – I speak with the teacher
Pienso en María – I think about Maria
You will find more of these verbs in the next lesson.
Try it yourself:
I understand Julia
I understand this plan
We don’t know our boss
Do you buy flowers to your girlfriend?
B. Movement direction
When an object moves towards some place, put the a preposition before the place.
Mi marido vuelve a casa – My husband returns home
Yo voy al colegio – I go to school
These are some examples of verbs of movement:
ir – to go
venir – to come
viajar – to travel
llegar – to arrive
volver – to return
regresar – to return
volar – to fly
, etc.
When you need to say that an object is located somewhere, use en. To say that an object moves towards some place, use a.
Estoy en casa – I’m at home
Voy a casa – I go home
Vivimos en Madrid – We live in Madrid
Llegamos a Madrid – We arrive in Madrid
Don’t say: Voy en casa or llegamos en Madrid
Try it yourself:
I go to a shop
In the summer we will travel to Barcelona
On Saturday my parents will fly to Tenerife
To ask about a movement towards some place, start your question with adónde.
¿Adónde vas? – Where are you going?
¿Dónde? – Where? (location, static)
¿Adónde? – Where to? (direction, movement)
Adónde is the only interrogative pronoun in Spanish, that is traditionally written in one word.
Try it yourself:
Where are you going on Friday?
On Friday I’m going to the village
Where are you going tonight? (vosotros)
Tonight we are going to the cinema
entrar en, a – to enter, to get into
The verb entrar is a bit different. In Spain it’s normally used with the preposition en. Although, it’s quite possible to use it with a.
more often: entro en casa
less often: entro a casa
Latin Americans prefer to use a with entrar. They always say: Entro a casa.
Try it yourself:
Mario gets into the house
Where does Mario get into?
You have already met this preposition before, as well.
El profesor de español – The Spanish teacher
Vengo del trabajo – I come from work
Sometimes it can be translated into English as “of” or “from”, but sometimes not. You should try to understand it from the Spanish point of view.
It’s widely used in Spanish and has many different use cases. Let’s see in more detail what it can normally mean.
De is often used to define possession, belonging to someone or something.
La clase de español – The Spanish class
La abuela de Miguel – Miguel’s granny
¿De quién es el lápiz? – Whose pencil is this?
Very often the de preposition before a noun can substitute an adjective.
mesa de madera – wooden table
hoja de papel – sheet of paper
deberes de casa – homework
noche de verano – summer night
de + noun = adjective
This combination can be translated into English in different ways. When there is no suitable adjective in the language, use de + noun.
For example, Spanish has no adjective meaning “wooden”, so they say “mesa de madera”, which literally means “table of wood”.
Notice, that there is no article before the noun after de.
casa de campo – country house
moneda de oro – golden coin
papel de pared – wallpaper
ropa de mujer – women’s clothing
If you say “ropa de la mujer”, it will mean “the (determined) woman’s clothes”.
Try it yourself:
Ricardo’s car
spring flowers
clothing store
kitchen cabinet
Whose golden coin is this?
de meaning “from”
This is the second very common and simple role of de.
Soy de Chile – I’m from Chile
El lunes Javier vuelve de Argentina – On Monday Javier will return from Argentina
Este mensaje es de mi amigo – This message is from my friend
¿De dónde … ? – Where … from?
¿De dónde eres? – Where are you from?
¿De dónde vuelve Javier? – Where will Javier return from?
Now you know three interrogative pronouns with “dónde”:
¿Dónde? – Where?
¿Adónde? – Where to?
¿De dónde? – Where from?
Try it yourself:
Pedro works at a pharmacy
Where does Pedro work?
Pedro goes to the pharmacy every day
Where does Pedro go every day?
Pedro is coming from the pharmacy
Where is Pedro coming from?
de meaning “about”
Una película de amor – A movie about love
Leo un libro de aventuras – I read a book about adventures
Este artículo es de la historia de España – This article is about the history of Spain
Try it yourself:
What is that book about?
This book is about the war
What is this film about?
This film is about a boy, who lives in New York
The Spanish prepositions a and de can be used in many other different ways, which we haven’t talked about. We’ve just listed the ones, that can be useful right now. You will find out more about Spanish prepositions later in this course.
Ejercicio 1
Choose between a and en
1. Mañana voy … Málaga
2. Ahora estoy … Granada
3. Mi marido vuelve … casa muy tarde
4. Los señores García no están … casa
5. ¿Cuándo viajas … Chile?
6. Tengo un billete de avión … Cuba
7. Cristian vive … Paraguay
8. ¿ … dónde vas?
9. Trabajamos … una empresa pequeña
10. Mis amigos me invitan … una fiesta
Ejercicio 2
Some sentences have errors. Find and correct them
1. Voy en el colegio cada día — …
2. María estudia a la universidad — …
3. ¿Vas a España en verano? — …
4. ¿Cuándo viajáis en Australia? — …
5. Estamos a casa — …
6. Roberto y Carlos llegan en el trabajo muy tarde — …
7. Escuchamos al profesor en la clase de inglés — …
8. ¿Estáis en Europa? — …
9. Mi amiga me invita en un concierto de rock — …
10. ¿En dónde vas por las tardes? — …
Ejercicio 3
Translate into Spanish
1. I listen to the teacher with attention
2. I don’t listen to the radio in the morning
3. The granny reads a book to her grandson
4. Maria looks at Carlos
5. I don’t see your car
6. I don’t see Elisa
7. We don’t understand the grammar
8. We don’t understand our parents
9. The boss explains to his secretary a task
10. The pupils ask the teacher
Ejercicio 4
Correct the errors in every sentence
1. No veo Marcos en el dormitorio — …
2. Escuchamos a la radio cada día — …
3. María llama su padre por las tardes — …
4. José comprende su profesor — …
5. Invitamos nuestros amigos a la fiesta — …
6. No escribo cartas mis padres — …
7. El director explica la secretaria el trabajo para el día — …
8. La mamá compra a un caramelo el niño — …
9. Susana canta Marcos una canción — …
10. Ramiro visita a los museos en Barcelona — …
11. Ramiro visita su amigo en Barcelona — …
Ejercicio 5
Translate it from Spanish into English
1. Día de fiesta
2. La novia de Ramón es muy guapa
3. Estas flores son del bosque
4. La gente de Cuba es morena
5. Salgo de casa muy temprano
6. Roberto vuelve de Portugal el jueves
7. Este jarrón de porcelana es muy caro
8. ¿De qué es esa camisa? — La camisa es de algodón
9. ¿De dónde viene tu padre? — Mi padre viene de la playa
10. ¿De qué es la película? — La película es de amor
Ejercicio 6
Answer the questions
1. ¿Es de vidrio el vaso? — Sí, …
2. ¿Son de aventura los libros? — No, …
3. ¿Eres de Córdoba? — No, …
4. ¿Son ricos los abuelos de Susana? — Sí, …
5. ¿Está fría la sopa de tomate? — Sí, …
6. ¿Los bombones de chocolate cuestan diez euros? — Sí, …
7. ¿Sois de Marruecos? — Sí, …
8. ¿Es bonita la poesía de Federico García Lorca? — Sí, …
9. ¿Son de cuero los bolsos? — No, …
10. ¿Es grande tu casa de campo? — No, …
Ejercicio 7
Translate into Spanish
1. Where does your brother return from?
He returns from France
2. What are these pants made from?
These pants are made of cotton
3. Do you have a country house?
Yes, I have a country house
4. Are there car factories in Spain?
Yes, in there are car factories in Spain
5. What time do you leave the office?
I leave the office at 6 p.m.
6. Where does David’s father work?
David’s father works at a chocolate factory
7. Where are you going on Monday?
On Monday I’m going to Finland
8. What does the teacher explain to the students?
He explains them the homework
9. Who do you call at eight in the morning?
I call my girlfriend at eight in the morning
10. Whose house is that?
That is our boss’s house