All the verbs mentioned in the previous few lessons were regular. It means, that to make personal forms out of them, you just grab an infinitive and change its ending.
In irregular verbs some other letters should be also changed, apart from the endings.
There is a great number of irregular verbs in Presente. However, they have something in common, and can be divided into several groups.
In this lesson we are going to list and learn three groups of irregular verbs, whose vowel letters in the middle of the stem are modified.
A stem is part of a verb without ending. For example, the stem of hablar is habl. In other words, a stem is the base of a verb, to which personal endings are added.
In a regular verb the stem always remains the same. In an irregular verb the stem has tiny changes when it’s conjugated.
In the first group of Spanish irregular verbs the vowel e changes to ie.
cerrar – to close, to shut
yo cierro
tú cierras
él, ella, usted cierra
nosotros cerramos
vosotros cerráis
ellos, ellas, ustedes cierran
Yo cierro la ventana – I shut the window
Las tiendas cierran a las diez – The shops close at ten
The verbs cerrar and alike, are conjugated just like the regular ones, except for the e – ie modification.
The verb empezar (to start) belongs to this group, as well.
Try it yourself:
empezar – to start, to begin
yo – …
tú – …
él, ella, usted – …
nosotros – …
vosotros – …
ellos, ellas, ustedes – …
¿A qué hora empieza la película?
La película empieza a las ocho
As you can see, the forms for nosotros and vosotros are regular. The e vowel isn’t changed in these persons.
Try it yourself:
The class starts at 9
I close my eyes
We close our eyes
What time do you start? (vosotros)
Other verbs with the e – ie modification.
pensar – to think
Pienso que María está casada — I think that Maria is married
El señor García es muy inteligente y piensa mucho — Mr. Garcia is very intelligent and thinks a lot
querer – to want
Quiero viajar a España — I want to travel to Spain
¿Quieres un caramelo? — Do you want a candy?
entender – to understand
No entendemos a los ingleses — We don’t understand English people
¿Entiendes bien el tema? – Do you understand well the subject?
perder – to lose
Miguel pierde dinero a menudo — Miguel often loses money
Perdemos mucho tiempo — We waste much time
You already know the verbs creer and comprender from the previous lessons.
creo que – I think that
comprendo – I understand
These are regular verbs, and they are almost equal to pensar and entender, respectively.
creer vs. pensar
The difference is that creer is more like “to believe” or “to suppose”, whereas pensar means the mental process of thinking.
comprender vs. entender
These two words basically have the same meaning. Entender is just used more often.
Try it yourself:
I don’t understand
Do you think, I’m Spanish? (usted)
They want to live in Valencia
Carla loses mobile phones very often
Using irregular verbs you should pay attention to both things – the vowel modification and the ending.
Don’t say: ellos quieran or ella pierda
The next modification is when the vowel o is changed to ue.
dormir – to sleep
yo duermo
tú duermes
él, ella, usted duerme
nosotros dormimos
vosotros dormís
ellos, ellas, ustedes duermen
The logic is the same here. Nosotros and vosotros aren’t modified, either.
Duermo muy bien cada noche — I sleep very well every night
¿Cuántas horas duermes? — How many hours do you sleep?
volver – to return
¿Cuándo vuelves de México? — When will you return from Mexico?
Vuelvo a casa a las siete — I return home at seven
poder – can
Juan puede leer libros en inglés — Juan can read books in English
¿Puedes cerrar la puerta, por favor? — Can you shut the door, please?
costar – to cost
¿Cuánto cuesta esa chaqueta? — How much does this jacket cost?
Los zapatos cuestan ochenta euros — The shoes cost eighty euro
encontrar – to find
No encuentro mi móvil — I don’t find my mobile phone
Don’t forget about the r before the ending.
Don’t say: encontar or encuento
jugar (a) – to play (smth.)
Jugar is the only one verb in the whole Spanish language, that has the u – ue modification. We will join it to this group.
Juego al tenis – I play tennis
Jugamos a las cartas – We play cards
Use the a preposition together with a definite article to add a game after jugar.
Try it yourself:
I can’t understand this word
Can you wait for two minutes? (vosotras)
When do the children return from school?
How much does a house in Spain cost?
We sleep very little
The child plays football
This is the third vowel modification. The e is turned i in the verb stem.
pedir – to ask
yo pido
tú pides
él, ella, usted pide
nosotros pedimos
vosotros pedís
ellos, ellas, ustedes piden
Pido perdón – I beg pardon
El cliente pide al camarero la cuenta – The client asks the waiter for the check
The verb pedir means to ask for something. It doesn’t mean to ask a question.
repetir – to repeat
Repito otra vez – I repeat one more time
servir – to serve
La cuchara sirve para comer — The spoon (serves) is needed for eating
Manuel sirve en la mili — Manuel serves in the army
Try it yourself:
The computer is needed for working
The teacher repeats the words
I ask my father for money
Not all Spanish verbs that have the o or e letters in the stem are irregular. When you get used to the basic regular and irregular verbs, you will distinguish them.
Spanish irregular verbs need to be practiced a lot, so that you can form sentences fast without thinking too much. There is a huge number of verbs with the same vowel modifications, but all of them follow the same pattern. When you find more verbs like these ones, add them to one of these groups and memorize them.
Ejercicio 1
Put the verbs into the right form
e — ie
1. El concierto (empezar) … a las ocho
2. Nosotros (empezar) … un tema nuevo
3. Los bancos en España (cerrar) … muy temprano
4. Yo (pensar) … que eres muy guapa
5. Nosotros (pensar) … que trabajar aquí no es fácil
6. Los niños siempre (perder) … sus juguetes
7. ¿Por qué no (cerrar, vosotros) … la puerta de la casa?
8. ¿(querer, tú) … viajar a América Latina?
9. No (querer, yo) … ver la tele hoy
10. ¿Por qué siempre (perder, vosotros) … las llaves?
o — ue
1. Yo (dormir) … ocho horas cada día
2. ¿(poder, tú) … comprar pan?
3. Mis abuelos (dormir) … después de comer
4. ¿(poder, vosotros) … ayudar al señor López?
5. ¿A qué hora (volver) … tu marido?
6. Un coche nuevo (costar) … mucho
7. ¿Cuánto (costar) … esos pantalones?
8. No (encontrar, yo) … mis gafas
9. Javier no (poder) … entender a su amigo alemán
10. Los domingos los chicos (jugar) … al fútbol
e — i
1. Lucas (pedir) … perdón a su mamá
2. Nosotros (servir) … en la mili
3. Las llaves (servir) … para abrir y cerrar la puerta
4. ¿Qué (pedir, vosotros) … al jefe?
5. Usted (repetir) … el mismo error
6. La gente (pedir) … al presidente terminar la guerra
7. (repetir, yo) … la frase otra vez, pero ustedes no (entender) …
Ejercicio 2
Answer the questions
¿A qué hora cierran las farmacias? (las nueve)
Las farmacias cierran a las nueve
e — ie
1. ¿Cuándo empieza el verano? (el domingo) — …
2. ¿Dónde quieres vivir? (Portugal) — …
3. ¿Con qué cerráis la puerta? (una llave) — …
4. ¿Dónde pierden juguetes los niños? (el colegio) — …
5. ¿Qué quieren estudiar ustedes? (español) — …
o — ue
1. ¿Cuándo duermes? (la noche) — …
2. ¿Qué pueden comprar tus padres en España? (regalos) — …
3. ¿A quién puede llamar tu abuela? (el ministro) — …
4. ¿A qué hora vuelve su mujer a casa? (las ocho) — …
5. ¿Dónde juegan ustedes al tenis? (el hotel) — …
e — i
1. ¿Quién sirve la mesa? (el camarero) — …
2. ¿Qué repiten los estudiantes? (las palabras) — …
3. ¿A quién pides dinero? (mis padres) — …
4. ¿Qué piden ustedes al camarero? (la carta) — …
5. ¿Para qué sirve el micrófono? (cantar canciones) — …
Ejercicio 3
Translate into Spanish
e – ie
1. I want to watch a movie
2. Do you want to listen to music?
3. We don’t want to learn Japanese
4. Luis thinks, that Elisa lives in Alicante
5. The concert starts at half past six
6. What time do the classes start?
7. The shops in my neighbourhood close at eleven p.m.
8. Do you want to learn Spanish? (vosotros)
9. Do you think, I speak Spanish well?
o – ue
1. Can you open the door?
2. You can be calm (vosotros)
3. I think a lot and don’t sleep at night
4. How much does the Spanish course cost?
5. How much do these apples cost?
6. Fernando returns from Florida on Wednesday
7. What time do you return home? (usted)
8. Do you play football?
9. We play tennis every Saturday
10. Could you speak Spanish, please? (ustedes)
e – i
1. What do you ask the waitress for?
2. I ask the waitress for the check
3. How much money do you ask your boss for? (ustedes)
4. We ask the boss for one hundred euro
5. What are the mobile phones needed for?
6. They are needed to call friends
7. What do you repeat? (vosotros)
8. We repeat Spanish phrases
9. I repeat once more: I beg you pardon, Mrs. Ramirez