Hola, ¿qué hora es? – Hi, what time is it?
Son las nueve – It’s nine (o’clock)
I this lesson you are going to learn how to tell time in Spanish. It’s quite simple. You just need to remember Spanish numbers.
To start with, learn the basic question:
¿Qué hora es? – What time is it?
una hora – an hour
A typical answer can be:
Son las ocho – It’s eight
In the answers the verb ser should be used. And it always has the plural form “son”. The exception is one hour, where it’s singular.
1:00 Es la una
2:00 Son las dos
3:00 Son las tres
4:00 Son las cuatro
Notice, that in every sentence the determined article la or las is used.
Try it yourself:
What time is it?
It’s five
It’s eleven
It’s ten
You can also add “hora”, but for short, it’s usually omitted.
Son las diez horas = Son las diez
If you want to say “It’s five o’clock sharp”, add “en punto”.
Son las seis en punto – It’s six o’clock sharp
Let’s have a look at some examples where the minute hand is pointing to an exact minute.
10:05 – Son las diez y cinco
7:10 – Son las siete y diez
For a quarter the word “cuarto” is used.
5:15 – Son las cinco y cuarto
“Media” stands for half (an hour).
7:30 – Son las siete y media
Try it yourself:
Don’t confuse cuatro and cuarto. Otherwise somebody will come eleven minutes earlier or later.
Now let’s jump to the left side of the clock. That’s where the word “menos” instead of “y” should be used.
7:50 – Son las ocho menos diez
Literally this means “It’s eight minus ten. Pretty straightforward, isn’t it?
¿Qué hora es?
Son las nueve menos cinco (8:55)
Try it yourself:
Normally, In Spanish the 12-hour system is used to tell time. To divide a.m. from p.m. use these combinations:
de la mañana
de la tarde
de la noche
Son las nueve de la mañana – It’s nine a.m.
Son las tres de la tarde – It’s three p.m.
Son las diez de la noche – It’s ten p.m.
However, it would be also possible to say:
Son las quince – 15:00 (3 p.m.)
Son las veintidós – 22:00 (10 p.m.)
Try it yourself:
This is basically it. Now you know how to tell time in Spanish. There are some other expressions and variations that can be used in this situation, and you will be obviously discovering them little by little.
Ejercicio 1
Look at the clock and answer the question
¿Qué hora es?
Ejercicio 2
Say it in Spanish
Ejercicio 3
Translate into Spanish
1. What time is it?
It’s three o’clock sharp
2. What time is it?
It’s five past twelve
3. What time is it?
It’s a quarter to eight
4. What time is it?
It’s ten a.m.
5. I think that it’s half past nine p.m.